Monday, 18 February 2013

Why does Normandy inspire us & feed our souls?...

We do it so well!

What Secrets?

Is it the place?  The people?  The food/drink?  The lushness? The fertility?  The abundance?  The quirky humour?   The cakes?....Oh goodness THE CAKES....All I am sure of is that my heart lifts when I arrive & is leaden when we have to put it to sleep & come back to the city.......Hmmmmm

Laid low but spring is a coming......

Portraits by: Amber Marsh 2012

By Stephen Marsh-A portrait for a friend 2012

Stephen at work on a portrait of Amber taken from a tissue "life mask" I did from her face....

Finished work....

Snoopy by Stephen Marsh 2012

Hmm:  Happiness?

About time I posted some photos of work...Mainly Stephens.....Mainly done in France as it is the only time there is space/freedom to express creatively.....Enjoy if you pass by......

Friday, 1 February 2013

Its Been a Loooooong Time !

Wow, long time, no write.  Its January 2013 & I have been very bad at keeping up to date with this.
Need very soon to re-evaluate & re-visit.
Watch this space.